WebGL Examples
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This page is intended to get you up and running with the WebGL examples from Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with WebGL - Edward Angel and Dave Shreiner, 7th edition.
All you need for this class is a text editor and a modern browser. I will be using Vim and Chrome (Firefox has been laggy lately with WebGL for some reason), however feel free to use whichever WebGL-enabled browser you wish. If you are looking for a modern IDE that supports JavaScript, consider VSCode, JetBrains (should be free via student educational discount), or Brackets.
Create an HTML file. Open it in your browser. Done. If you want others to be able to see what you’ve worked on, you’ll need a webserver. If you’re in my class, you’ll have a separate walkthrough of how to host your code on Google Cloud.
The links below serve as easy access to the demonstration examples from the book chapters. New/custom examples are denoted by **. Note that, to view the code, all you have to do is View Source
in your browser (note, you may need to follow the link to the JavaScript file in most cases).
Chapter 8
Here you have the examples of the book ordered by chapters.